‘‘We’re all on a journey and generally we want to maintain, or better still grow, our wealth.’’
Brian, Wealth Coach at Cooper Curtis
Wealth is an emotive term and no wonder, as money provides lifestyle, security, a feeling of success and legacies.
But surely I’m not really wealthy?
Most of us would not think of ourselves as wealthy. But consider your property held, savings, business value, pension funds, and inheritances due as a whole and you would be most surprised to find out what you are really worth!
One of the ways to build the wealth you want is to take time out and reflect on your financial priorities.
The aim is to improve your wealth and the most important things to you.
However, life takes over and as a consequence you;
lose control of your wealth
Are too busy to sit down and evaluate what you have as present and future income
Nervous about making the right decisions for your future
Will the taxman take away a big chunk of my wealth at some stage?
Wondering if my assets are adequately protected
No matter how hard you try to get some sort of structure to your wealth, from our experience this rarely happens.
Where we help
As your coach, we will need to ask you key questions about your wealth to get a better understanding of where you believe you currently stand.
We will make you MAKE time to address and fully understand your answers.
Based upon these discoveries, we can see where you are at and then develop with you a series of confidential high-level meetings using tools we have developed. We will then make a plan of action, over however long it takes, to address and improve your wealth position.
Sound good?
Book a free 3o minutes Zoom meeting where Brian or Caroline will conduct a short interactive 1 to 1 experience with you to see where you are at now as a starting point. You will receive a confidential three-page summary document ending with your wealth priorities.