How we are helping our clients during Covid times

Whilst we have been quiet on our socials, behind the scenes we have been providing support to our Recruitment clients wherever possible. It has been a very challenging year for many in the Recruitment Industry. The uncertainty has raised doubt on businesses planning for growth and the need to be more cautious in an uncertain environment has seen a dip in new roles and reluctance from candidates to make a move.

We have been assisting our clients with;

  • Helping with applications for government grants and loans

  • Ensuring Staff furlough claims are dealt with correctly

  • Showing Accountants can be human by reaching out and offering support

  • Taking more of the workload from them to free up time to focus on business

  • Cash-flow reviews and business forecasts 2021 and onward

If you feel that you are not getting enough support from your Advisers or find yourself getting weighed down with changing government rules and new legislation, book a 10-minute chat with us here to see how we can help ….

Cooper Curtis

Brian & CarolineComment